Towards becoming a centre of excellence and reference in the area of Education.
To fulfil the College and School's charter and philosophy as centre of academic excellence in the area of education in order to produce capable and highly motivated human capital to develop the nation and humanity.
Excellent Human Capital
To create teachers who are knowledgeable, able to make scientific decision and strive to improve their professionalism
To engage expert and high quality future teachers who are able to solve problems in the areas related to courses that are offered in UUM CAS including management.
To prepare expert professionals in education who are imbued with exemplary skills that are responsive to national and global thrusts.
Kami berikrar dan berjanji akan:
- Memberi perkhidmatan yang cemerlang kepada pelanggan
- Mengamalkan profesionalisme dalam memberi khidmat
- Memberi layanan yang mesra, adil dan saksama
- Menyediakan maklumat yang tepat dan terperinci